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Helps With Physical Mental Emotional Issues

What is Pranic Healing?

How Can Pranic Healing Help You?

Healing with prana has been around for years using ancient  technique that uses the prana (vital life energy) to heal the various levels of our being. Pranic Healing's healing approach is multileveled, addressing the physical body, mind, and emotions.


Through Pranic Healing chakras can be unblocked enabling Prana to flow freely through them.


The more blocked the chakra - the more prana gets stuck in your system or organs resulting in pain, disease, or bad dreams if left untreated for too long. The Prainc Healing techniques are simple and straightforward to use.

To book an appointment for a Pranic Healing treatment in clinic, via zoom, remotely or as a hospital visit, contact:

​​Tel: 077177 25958

Pranic Healing is complementary, does not replace conventional medicine always seek
advice from your Doctor or Medical Health Professional.
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